#6 – painfully shy

My family likes to joke around and remind me that I didn’t say my first word until I was 3 years old 🙈 It feels like ever since I could remember, I struggled to say what I was feeling 😔When I picked up my pencil and realized that I could say all of the things I couldn’t say out loud on paper, I finally found the avenue for me to express myself and this truly saved me 💕

So many years later, I was living in Panama and extremely frustrated with all of the catcalling and harassment I received whenever I left my home. It didn’t matter what I was wearing, what I looked like, what time of day it was, it was constantly happening. I then made a series of illustrations called #CallOutCatCalls, an anti-catcalling campaign for a scholarship contest. I shared it on some social media platform and my good friend @danichain wrote about it for @buzzfeed 5 years ago. Ever since then, I’ve been sharing my feelings online and I realized how much power we all have in our voices!!

💖 Never stop talking about the things you care about, never stop sharing necessary information and resources and always be loud about how you’re feelings! 💪


#5 – lost & found