#2 – old photos

Going through old photos took me back to little Debi. Little Debi that never felt good enough for this world because her worth was defined by how fat she was. No matter how hard she worked, she felt judged and ashamed for living in her body. Applauded for when she lost weight, because she only existed in the eyes of others, and then constantly letting down not only herself, but her family and those who believed in her when she gained a couple of pounds, because being fat was a failure.

A part of me still carries her with me, and finding these photos was not only a reminder that she still exists within me, but also a reminder of how far I’ve come, how much I’ve grown to love and cherish my body which is my home. Take care of your home, be gentle with yourself, and always be louder than the negative voices inside you that make you feel less than or not enough 💕


#3 – pelitos


#1 – taking a break